Foreign investors interesting in starting businesses in Indonesia can choose from several developed industries, among which manufacturing and tourism play a significant role in the economy. When it comes to tourism, this is usually linked to the gambling activities in most counties around the world. Indonesia can be considered an exception to this rule, as a large portion of the population is made up of Muslims which rely on the Sharia Law which bans gambling activities.
Below, our Indonesian company formation consultants explain the local regulations on gambling activities. We can also help those who wish to immigrate to Indonesia and then start a gambling business.
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Offshore gambling activities in Indonesia
Even if at local level, casinos, online gaming and other types of gambling activities are considered illegal, offshore gaming activities carried out through websites registered in Indonesia are not banned. Also, Indonesian players can access offshore casinos and play.
The Asian market is one the most prolific markets when it comes to gambling activities, which is why several governments in Indonesia have tried to legalize gambling over the past years, however, give the strict religious beliefs there are still in a project phase. The last announcement related to issuing a legislation on online gambling activities was made by the Ministries for Social Affairs, Communications and Information and Religious Affairs in 2012.
We remind you that our company registration advisors in Indonesia can offer more information on how to set up businesses in other prolific industries in this country or if you want to immigrate to Indonesia.
Other gambling activities in Indonesia
Until recently, the government had enabled a free national lottery which was banned a few years ago, however tourists and even Indonesian citizens are still allowed to purchase lottery tickets from foreign online gambling sites.
The development of blockchain technology and the fact that cryptocurrencies are allowed in Indonesia, the chances for gaming activities to be allowed in the future are quite high.
If you are interested in starting a business in Indonesia and need information on the latest legislative reforms, please feel free to contact our local representatives. We can also assist those interested in registering their companies in Indonesia and those who immigrate to Indonesia.